Property Location (City, State, County)
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Estimated Close Date
Transaction Type
Sales Price
Loan Type


Include Single PMI Premium in Loan amount

Property Type:

Max FHA Loan Amount:


Include FHA Upfront MIP in Loan Amount

Include 6% Seller Contribution


Include VA Funding Fee in Loan Amt

Exempt from VA Funding Fee

Earnest Money Deposit
Down Payment
Loans & Prepaids

Loan Amount:

Interest Rate:

Term (years):

Lender Points:

Lender Orig. Fee:

Lender Fees:

Single PMI Premium:


FHA Upfront MIP:


VA Funding Fee:


Prepaid Interest (days):


Prepaid Interest:


Property Tax (mos):

Property Tax Collected:


Hazard Ins. (months):

Hazard Ins. Rate:

Hazard Ins. Collected:


Property Taxes

Property Value for Taxes:

Property Tax Rate:

Property Tax:

Apply Seller Owed Property Taxes as Credit to Buyer

Calculated Total:

Est. Seller Paid:


Calculated Proration:

Est. Seller Paid:


Title & Escrow

Owner’s Policy:

Owner's Policy Paid By:

Premium Amount:


Estimated CPLs and Endorsements:


Lender's Policy:

Lender's Policy Paid By:

Premium Amount:


Estimated CPLs and Endorsements:


Additional Title Fees:

Closing Costs and Credits

Buyer Broker Percentage:

Buyer Broker Commission:

Seller Owed Prop Tax:


Seller Closing Contribution:



Amount Enter credit as a negative amount

Recording Fees and Taxes
Estimated Cash to Close
Loan Amount
Loan Payoff(s)

Payoff 1:

Payoff 2:

Payoff :

Property Taxes

Property Value for Taxes:

Property Tax Rate:

Property Tax:

Calculated Total:

Est. Seller Paid:


Calculated Proration:

Est. Seller Paid:


Title & Escrow

Owner’s Policy:

Owner's Policy Paid By:

Premium Amount:


Estimated CPLs and Endorsements:


Lender's Policy:

Lender's Policy Paid By:

Premium Amount:


Estimated CPLs and Endorsements:


Additional Title Fees:

Costs and Credits

Seller Broker Percentage:

Seller Broker Commission:

Buyer Broker Percentage:

Buyer Broker Commission:


Amount Enter credit as a negative amount

Recording Fees and Taxes
Estimated Net Proceeds




Please enter all required fields.


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The charges set forth herein may vary and additional charges will be made when unusual conditions of title are encountered, when special risks are insured against, or when special services are requested.